Tony Trieu

Kitchener · Ontario
· (226) 978-1686

• Experience in software development
• Develop and debug games, applications, and website using OOP and data structure in multiple programming languages, including C#, Java, C++, and NodeJS
• Experience with Java such as layout manager, swing, and multi-threading, and C# such as async/await, Background worker
• Familiar with many frameworks and libraries, including Hibernate, Spring Framework, WPF, .NET/ .NET Core, and Autofac
• Knowledge of Agile methodology such as Scrum and Kanban, architecture patterns like MVC, MVVM.
• Able to build and manage database systems such as MSSQL Server Management, Oracle, MySQL, and MongoDB
• Excellent team spirit, problem-solving, and communication skills with multiple languages, including English, Vietnamese, and Cantonese


Conestoga College

Computer Programmer / Analyst

Maintaining a 3.96 GPA
Expected date of graduation: May 2021

2017 - Present

University of Natural Science

Diploma of Information Technology

Valedictorian graduate with an overall GPA of 3.5

2013 - 2016


Software Developer Co-op

Magnet Forensics Inc, Waterloo, Ontario
  • Participate in an agile team working on developing new features, bug fixes, and improvements to the company flagship product: Magnet AXIOM using C# .NET and WPF
  • Test new features with Unit test (xUnit, Moq) and Automation test (White framework)
  • Utilize Git, Repo for tracking changes, and Gerrit for code review
  • Participate in planning and retrospective meetings to help organize the upcoming work
  • Help triage and investigate various issues reported from the customer service team, and provide solutions and create beta builds to send to the customers.
January 2019 - August 2019

Software Developer Co-op

Geoware Inc, Waterloo, Ontario
  • Test and fix bugs applying analytical and trouble-shooting skills
  • Analysis, design and develop a new administrative product to manage data using Java 11, Hibernate, JPA to map object-oriented model to a relational database
  • Implement cross-platform reporting tools (Elixir Reporting Framework) to new products for exporting reports
  • Utilize OOP, Hibernate, SQL technique to add pagination feature to application in order to improve performance while loading a huge amount of data from the database
  • Upgrade database for Linux / Oracle and Windows / SQL Server in production
  • Enhance application interface with Nimbus Look and Feelolve software related problems
April 2019 - December 2019

Tech Tutor

Conestoga College Doon Library, Kitchener, Ontario
  • Guide stduents to download and use computer software
  • Solve software related problems
September 2018 - April 2019

Student Information Assistant

Student Engagement, Kitchener, Ontario
  • Provide excellent customer service by answering student inquiries about campus
September 2018 - April 2019

Software Developer (Internship)

NEC Corporation, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Building, maintaining, and switching pharmacy chain store website from ASP.NET to Java

  • Used Java Sping Framework
  • Developed using Eclipse IDE
  • Used SVN to manage project

Personal and School Projects

Click on the image for Github repo

Kinthera Therapist System

Kinthera Therapist System

  • Develop a system to manage therapists using MERN Stack
  • Build a Restful API with NodeJS and Express.js, and test with Supertest and Jest
  • Retrieve, insert, update Mongo data utilizing mongoose
The Wizards Game Shop Website

Game Shop

  • Developed the website using ASP.NET Core and MVC design pattern
  • Used Entity Framework Core and LINQ to query data from MSSQL
  • Implemented Fast report to generate reports and MailKit and JSON Web Token (JWT) to send recovery token to customer.
Mobile Shop

Mobile Shop

  • Deployed in C# WPF and ADO.NET
  • Applied MVC and LINQ to retrieve data from the MSSQL database
Tony Tech House Website

Online Shopping website

  • Develop the website using PHP and JavaScriptLanguage: PHP, JavaScript and SQL
  • Create responsive user-friendly interface with HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap
  • Retrieve, insert, update data utilizing SQL
  • Analyze and design database applying Entity-Relationship Diagram, and manage data with MySQL
Spaceship game screenshot

Spaceshooter Game

  • Utilized C#, MonoGame framework, and OOP to draw 2D graphics
  • Implemented animation, sound, music and a scoring system
  • Displayed menu including help screen, instruction screen, and a high score screen
Snake game screenshot


  • Develop utilizing C#
  • Create user-friendly interface with WinForm
Snake game screenshot


  • Language: C#
  • Windows Form


Orientation Leader

Conestoga College, Kitchener, Ontario

Welcome new students to Conestoga College and answer student inquires


Event Assistant

Heart and Stroke Foundation, Kitchener, Ontario

My position is a volunteer who greeted guests and supported fundraising furing the Titan's basketball match.


Orientaion Ambassador

International Office - Conestoga College, Kitchener, Ontario

I participated as a Computer Assistant who helps new students using College's services and software on the orientation. In addition, I was selected as a representative on the student panel to share on and off campus experience.



Apart from being a CPA students. I enjoy learning new programming languages through and such as C/C++ and Nojejs

I also force myself to be more active by going to the gym or playing sports such as badminton, soccer, swimming, and running with my friends

Listening to music, watching movies and TED talks are some of my favorite entertainment after a long day of study and work.


  • School scholarship for highest GPA in 3 years 2013-2016